Dating Coach Toronto

If you were your dream woman’s ideal man, how effortless would it be to attract her?

That’s the transformation we’ll make happen for you.


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Colin Malone:
    Best Dating Coach Toronto

Why Hire a Dating Coach in Toronto?

    • Ensure Results: Ensure You Attract the Partner you Really Desire

    • Massive Time Saving: Save Years of Time, Headache, & Heartbreak

A lot of us men will spend 5 years, decades, or even our entire lives without attracting a great partner (this was me, before I decided to figure this out!).

A lot of us will spend many years without a partner period. A lot of us will spend many years with a partner, but a partner that is not ideal for us (if we’re being completely honest)…

And we wonder why the divorce rate is so high ;).

If you want to make certain you end up as part of the smaller percent who get to be with someone they absolutely adore!! … getting the support of the experts that know how to solve this for you is your best bet.

Who Should Hire a Dating Coach in Toronto?

   • Highly career focused & driven men…

1) Who’ve struggled with figuring out how to create a good love life for months or years. 

2) Who’ve had good dating success but are having challenges attracting their most ideal partner. 

If you’ve spent years focusing on your career, and not being able to solve your love life fully on the side, our dating coaching will support you in finally making this happen.

What is a Dating Coach?

A great dating coach is someone who will support you in collapsing the time and energy it will take you to attract the dating results or relationship you desire; whether this is with attracting your dream partner, or with simply getting out there and getting a lot more easy and consistent dates with the quality of women you desire to spend time with. 

Our dating coaching will support you in becoming the most attractive version of yourself so that women and people will become more and more fond of who you are.

Your looks, money, “status”, beard, and muscles, mean zilch to women compared to how confident you are in yourself and how naturally & attractively you’re able to communicate (trust me, I’ve helped and met many and many and many men who have all of the former, and still struggle a lot with their dating). 

This is because how you make women feel when you’re around them is the most important thing when they’re considering you as a potential lover… and how you make women feel is the most affected by confidence and comfort in yourself and your confidence, comfort, and attractiveness in your communication.

And this is why the main thing a great dating coach, and our dating mentoring will support you with is positively shifting (in a massive way) exactly that (the latter). This is what will get you the woman of your dreams, or whatever dating/social results you’re looking for the biggest and the fastest.


Dating Services Toronto

Best Dating Services in Toronto

Why Toronto is the Best City in Canada for Dating Services

Not only does Toronto have the biggest population of single women in the country, the 25-29 and 30-34 age demographic is the 1st and 2nd largest group in Canada’s greatest urban center. There is absolutely no shortage of young and ready to date singles in the GTA.

And to quote Sara from Narcity, Toronto is “the best effing city in Canada”…

Its views inspired a Drake album, Riverdale Park’s sunset view is crazy, almost every major concert tours here, we have a major league soccer club, and you can get food from all around the world in one place.

One might even say the social/dating scene can be fun ;).

Does Colin Know What He’s Doing?

Here are some examples of common responses I will get from women 🙂

Client Results:

Business Info

IQ Dating Coach Toronto | Matchmaker


25 Telegram Mews Unit 3201, Toronto, ON M5V 3Z1


Mon - Fri 9AM - 7PM

Sat - Sun 11AM - 7PM